Interface EncryptedFile

Information on encrypted media attachments.

Used within events that reference files, such as m.file and m.image.

interface EncryptedFile {
    hashes: {
        [alg: string]: string;
    iv: string;
    key: {
        alg: string;
        ext: boolean;
        k: string;
        key_ops: string[];
        kty: string;
    url: string;
    v: string;



hashes: {
    [alg: string]: string;

A map from an algorithm name to a hash of the ciphertext, encoded as unpadded base64. Clients should support the SHA-256 hash, which uses the key sha256.

iv: string

The 128-bit unique counter block used by AES-CTR, encoded as unpadded base64.

key: {
    alg: string;
    ext: boolean;
    k: string;
    key_ops: string[];
    kty: string;

A JSON Web Key object.

url: string

The URL to the file.

v: string

Version of the encrypted attachment's protocol. Must be v2.