Utilities for automatically discovery resources, such as homeservers for users to log in to.



ALL_ERRORS: AutoDiscoveryError[] = ...
ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE: GenericFailure = AutoDiscoveryError.GenericFailure
ERROR_INVALID: Invalid = AutoDiscoveryError.Invalid
ERROR_INVALID_HOMESERVER: InvalidHomeserver = AutoDiscoveryError.InvalidHomeserver
ERROR_INVALID_HS_BASE_URL: InvalidHsBaseUrl = AutoDiscoveryError.InvalidHsBaseUrl
ERROR_INVALID_IDENTITY_SERVER: InvalidIdentityServer = AutoDiscoveryError.InvalidIdentityServer
ERROR_INVALID_IS: InvalidIs = AutoDiscoveryError.InvalidIs
ERROR_INVALID_IS_BASE_URL: InvalidIsBaseUrl = AutoDiscoveryError.InvalidIsBaseUrl
ERROR_INVALID_JSON: InvalidJson = AutoDiscoveryError.InvalidJson
ERROR_MISSING_WELLKNOWN: MissingWellknown = AutoDiscoveryError.MissingWellknown
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_HOMESERVER_SPEC_VERSION: UnsupportedHomeserverSpecVersion = AutoDiscoveryError.UnsupportedHomeserverSpecVersion

The auto discovery failed. The client is expected to communicate the error to the user and refuse logging in.


The auto discovery failed, however the client may still recover from the problem. The client is recommended to that the same action it would for PROMPT while also warning the user about what went wrong. The client may also treat this the same as a FAIL_ERROR state.

PROMPT: PROMPT = AutoDiscoveryAction.PROMPT

The auto discovery didn't fail but did not find anything of interest. The client is expected to prompt the user for more information, or fail if it prefers.


The auto discovery was successful.


  • Attempts to automatically discover client configuration information prior to logging in. Such information includes the homeserver URL and identity server URL the client would want. Additional details may also be discovered, and will be transparently included in the response object unaltered.


    • domain: string

      The homeserver domain to perform discovery on. For example, "matrix.org".

    Returns Promise<ClientConfig>

    Promise which resolves to the discovered configuration, which may include error states. Rejects on unexpected failure, not when discovery fails.

  • Validates and verifies client configuration information for purposes of logging in. Such information includes the homeserver URL and identity server URL the client would want. Additional details may also be included, and will be transparently brought into the response object unaltered.


    • wellknown: IClientWellKnown

      The configuration object itself, as returned by the .well-known auto-discovery endpoint.

    Returns Promise<ClientConfig>

    Promise which resolves to the verified configuration, which may include error states. Rejects on unexpected failure, not when verification fails.

  • Gets the raw discovery client configuration for the given domain name. Should only be used if there's no validation to be done on the resulting object, otherwise use findClientConfig().


    • Optionaldomain: string

      The domain to get the client config for.

    Returns Promise<IClientWellKnown>

    Promise which resolves to the domain's client config. Can be an empty object.